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You must meet all the following requirements to be eligible for Grade Requital:
You received all grades of "FW" for a semester.
You didn't complete the semester or take the final exam(s).
You didn't officially withdraw from any course during the same semester.
You were unable to withdraw from courses due to circumstances beyond your control. Proof of your circumstances is required. Examples of circumstances that might be considered include:
If you meet all of the above criteria, you may appeal to have your grades of F or FW changed to grades of "O".
To be considered for grade requital, complete the Grade Requital for Failure to Withdraw form with your advisor. This written appeal must include documentation of extenuating circumstances beyond the student's control.
Your appeal will be reviewed by a committee appointed by the Registrar. The committee will reach a decision within 30 days.
Hawkeye Center 134 319-296-2460
800-670-4743 319-296-1609 (fax)
Hawkeye Center 114 319-296-2460 Email the Registrar's Office
If campus is closed, the Registrar's Office is also closed. This includes weather-related closings. See scheduled college closings.